Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I miss you, Hamburger

These pictures are from ;  and You can look for this in these sites.

You know what is this, right? Of course, yes. This is hamburger which is really delicious. Not only me but also many other students will like this. Well, I miss you, hamburger in GLPS. You are so essential for me, I need you! So, I would like to write about the story of hamburger expecting that I am making and eating hamburger. You will be able to eat this after reading my fake story.^^

I am in the house now and as I really want to eat hamburger, I decided to make hamburger in my house.(because outside,, it's too expensive and not good for our health.) But, well... I have to buy the materials to make it and I have to make at least 4 hamburgers since there are 4 members in my family. But the problem is,, that I do not have much money. It may costs a lot than buying the hambergers. I wanted to try to make them so I just make one for the test. It costed about 7,000 to buy materials of only one hamburger. I made it and it was worth the effort, but it doesn't taste like the hamburger in the McDonald. My family who was just waiting for me but couldn't eat was little bit angry and we decided to go to the McDonald to eat both hamburgers and fried potato(French Fries). I ordered a cheeseburger and Tomato Deluxe hamburger cut in half with ketchup and 2 large cokes. We also ate the Large French Fries.^^ It was really delicious and my family were satisfied with it.

Well, this is my fake story. I really hope to eat hamburger when I leave this camp. I miss you hamburger! Come to me! I'm waiting for you.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Writing class - Skill post 1 Rewriting

Editing & Proofreading (Contrast and Compare) Skill post 1 Rewriting
You might have seen your friends or neighbors going to an English camp or abroad to learn and improve the English skills. You might have felt that not only their English skills but also the socialization ability has improved much better than before as they were used to be trained to follow the rules which are just speak English and communicate with people at there. You know, that there are a lot of programs that can upbuild the English abilities and they are absolutely helpful for students. Although both of them are effective, the qualities and effectiveness will be slightly different and of course, they have disadvantages for each.
At first glance, all of these programs are likely to be very educational and beneficial. They are both several weeks camp. Each gives the chance to experience something new like leaving home for a few weeks and learning English from new teachers who have certain certificates. They all have many activities to do that students can enjoy even though the types of activities are pretty different.
What I consider for the first time when I choose what camp to go is the option of selecting the subjects. Compare to Camp Big Apple and Head Start Splash, I think Ranch West Camp is the best as it respects our option to choose the subjects. While Ranch West Camp encourage students to choose the subjects they want, Camp Big Apple just focus on vocabulary and math skills and Head Start Splash make students study a condensed version. Although students can get a lot of knowledge of words and math in Camp Big Apple, we can't learn the subjects variously. In contrast, we can learn subjects in many ways and independence by selecting and listening the subjects we want in Ranch West Camp.

Another significant thing for choosing the camp is the qualities and effectiveness of the camp's organization. To compare these three camps together, the teachers in there are all expert teachers. Camp Big Apple seems really fantastic because in the one hand, it is intensive Academic English camp and all of the professors have at least a Masters degree from an American university. However, on the other hand, students will not speak English much since the professors are Korean. Also, although, the professors got at least a Masters degree in American university, we do not know what they are expert in and not all American university is good. In comparison, Ranch West Camp is started in rural Canada so that students can learn English best when they are doing something interesting even though it is located in overseas. Additionally, the recent graduates teachers do not have experience or less experiences of teaching, though, students can learn the subjects from the native speakers who are expert in speaking English. Students will also be in a home-stay situation during the camp where they can improve their communication skills and English ability a lot.

Third thing I consider for this camp is the location and fun activities. These camps have each different activities and among them, Ranch West Camp's activities are the best. While Head Start Splash are located in unknown place, which means it is sligtly dangerous, Ranch West camp is placed in Canada, where all of us know well and can learn the new cultures. Furthermore, there are fun and natural activities such as river rafting, hiking, canoeing in Ranch West Camp, but, in contrast there are some activities like tours of the city, trips to local museums in the Camp Big Apple. If we stay for a while with nature, so, I mean that if we go Ranch West Camp, it will be more helpful to students to concentrate on study and they will be better at study, of course.

To summarize, even though I've thought of other points, I strongly think that Ranch West Camp will be the best choice to you among other camps if I consider those factors I mentioned above. I think that choosing the subjects by our own can lead us to increase the indepence. Besides, being with nature, doing fun activities, considering of qualities and effectiveness of camp will be really good standard to choose what camp to go.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Skill post 2 - Summarize & Paraphrase from the article

The Summary from the article : School Uniforms

It is true that people, especially young children, are addicted to games nowadays. There are many students who just play the video games than building a good relationship between friends or exercising. Although some teens might play it just for a while, the rest of the teens are addicted to the games. According to one study, approximately 10~15% of gamers are addicted to games. Teens can be uncontrolled gamer in the fantasy world like adults do gambling so that they do not listen to their family.

The Real Article is From.

The Paraphrase from the article : Fast Food

Original : Fast food is cheap, convenient, filling, and to many of us it tastes good. If you are eating out, a fast food restaurant is often the cheapest option, but unfortunately not a healthy one. Eating just one fast food meal can pack enough calories, sodium and fat for an entire day or more. Eating fast food on a regular basis can lead to a host of different health problems, both physical and psychological. Still, in a bad economy the quick-and-cheap temptation can often be hard to resist. As an informed customer, though, you can make healthier choices and still enjoy the price and convenience of fast food restaurants.

Paraphrase : The fast food we eat not only has a low price and handy, but also the tastes are very good. Even though eating out in a fast food restaurant is not a good choice for our health, it will be the cheapest decision for us to choose. It carries sufficient calories, sodium and fat which can last for whole day or even more to us when we eat only one fast food. When we eat fast food like normal, we will be able to have plenty of health problems in corporally and mentally. However, it is difficult to stop eating those fast food. Instead, you can make good decision and like the price and comfort of its restaurants.

The Real Article is From.

This were my Summary and Paraphrase of the articles I found in the internet. I'm not sure I did well on this but I hope so,^^

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Skill post 2 - Summarize & Paraphrase

Summarize from the handout - Bear Attacks

You might went through the bear attacks while go hiking. However, in fact, if you run to the bear, it will go away because of the fear. According to the Yellostone National Park in U.S., more people died due to the drowning, not the bear attack. But, although these happening is rare, if you want to prevent this, go hiking with groups about over 4 people and stay calm even though you see the bear.

Paraphrase from the handout - Bear Attacks

Original : Traveling in groups is one way to reduce the chances. Bears are very unlikely to attack group of  four or more people. Also, stay calm if you run into a bear. Bears are much more likely to attack if you try to run away.

Paraphrase : To decrease the attack from the bear, it is good to hang out with other people since bears usually do not attack a lot of people at once. Additionally, if you stay quietly as bear seems to attack you more when you run away.

Summarize from the handout - Shark Attacks

Even though you might have some episodes about the shark attacks, you have more chances to be struck by the lightning, not the shark attacks. You can travel with groups or stay out from the water if you are still worried about the shark attacks.

Paraphrase from the handout - Shark Attacks

Original : It is more likely that you will be struck by lightning. In the coastal states of the U.S., about 180  people are struck by lightening every year, but only about 11 people are attacked by sharks. Of those 11 attacks, chances are that only one of them will be fatal.

Paraphrase : It appears to you that you will be hurt because of lightning. According to the coastal sates in the U.S., just 11 people are raided by shark while approximately 180 people, a huge amount of people, are attacked by lightening every year. Just a person will be lethal among 11 raiders.

= This was my skill post 2 and I wrote the 2 summaries and 2 paraphrases in handout sheets although I can just write one of each. The next skill post will be same because I will write about the summary and paraphrasing, but I will write those things in the articles I found on the internet. ^^

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The movie & book - Harry Potter

Hey! This is the fun post. Today, I would like to talk about the book and movies I really like. Maybe, all of you guys have different favors of movies or books. Well, I am enthusiastic at the both book and movie named "Harry Potter". I am sure that you might have heard or seen this, right? The Harry Potter books are a series of fantasy novels by British writer J.K. Rowling. And the movies were directed by David Yates. As a matter of fact, I'm very curious about J.K. Rowling, and on the other hand, I envy her because she earned a lot of money by writing the fantasy stories. Additionally, I wonder how she have such a plenty of imagination. She is such a "Genius", I think.

Then, I will explain about it and my thoughts about Harry Potter as an enthusiastic viewer. And I'll give you one of the pictures of Harry Potter.

Harry Potter is the excellent series for me to see. It's thrilling with magical things. Wow! You know, that Harry Potter series are well-known to almost all countries. Hmm.. I'm really appreciate to J.K Rowling who wrote the book. If there were no J.K Rowling, we might not seen these movies and books which make me to feel calm.^^ Harry Potter seems like it has magical power to attract people. After releasing the first movie, the reaction was fantastic. Theater was full of people who want to see the Harry Potter, of course, I was there, too. Haha, well.. A few weeks ago, before coming here, GLPS, I went to the theater to see the final part of the Harry Potter, the Deathly Hallows 2. It was really thrilling, especially in the scene that Harry Potter found the Hockrooks with his friends, Herimoine and Rone. I liked the part that Harry fought with the evil, the Voldemort. But I'm sad because this is the end of the Harry Potter series.

If you are interested in Harry Potter or want more information, go to the link as it has more specific and good information about Harry Potter ; 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

What the world eats

Now, it's time to eat lunch! Hi, this is my family. Well, we are famous for eating a lot. So, you can see that our family is all fat. To say more exactly, we are "The Casales family of Cuernavaca" in Mexico. Actually, my family eat really much and we usually spend 1,862.78 Mexican Pesos or $189.09 for a week. Isn't that sounds wonderful? Sometimes, my family is called 'Hungry planet'. Hmm...I love all of food, especially, pizza, crab, pasta, and chicken. We sometimes buy lots of fruits at eat at once. We have to have at leat 3 big tables to have a breakfast. We need 3~4 tables to eat lunch and 4~5 tables to eat dinner. Usually, I drink 5 bottles of coke at once. You will be very shocked, right? More surprisingly, my younger brother can drink more than 5 bottles simultaneously!

As you can see, there are a lot of food in the picture of our family. My father likes banana, coke, bread, pizza. My mother likes to eat cracks and watermelon. My brothers' preferences are almost same as me so that our weight is very similar, haha. My family all like both pizza, pasta, and chicken. Many people said to me and my younger brtoehr that we are eating machine.

Can you see the boy wearing the orange shirt? Yeh, that's me. I know that I'm fat but how can I change my eating habit? Haha. The boy wearing the blue shirt is my younger brother. He listens me very well except eating time! Oh! As my younger brother likes to decorate our room, he always decorate our rooms. So,, you can see what I mean? The room! There is! The room door is opened and decorated like a little house.

Do you know why our family eat lots of fruits? That's because that there are many palm trees near my house, especially in the back ground. We can get coconut, banana, and other various things. If you have time while traveling the Mexico, please come to our house. Then, you will be shocked and surprised. I am sure that you will like my house. I will give you lots of food you want!

To read more,29307,1626519_1373704,00.html

Chain Writing

This is the chain writing that our classmates made a story. I started first and other students begun to write a sentence after me. I will write the story we made, then. But make sure that this story is extremely ridiculous as the boys wrote strangly. (so, I fixed just a little;;)

One day, there were two boys who was very interested in science. They liked all kinds of science, especially they enjoyed to do experiments together by helping each other. While they were searching for the books in the library which can help them to know more about science, they saw a very old science book full of experiments. They opened the book and they started to turn the pages. Oh! Surprisingly, they noticed the odd magic spells. They were very curious, so they pronounced the magic spells, "Cla-da-via-Sha"! Suddenly, some little bugs started to crawl out of their mouth, ears and the bugs begun to eat every single things in their body. The two boys were horrified so that they went out of the library. The policemen found them and killed the bugs by spraying the medicine. They thought that they killed all the bugs. However, the bugs came to the police's body and scratchd all of their bodies. Then, the bugs became bigger and bigger by time passed. Fortunately, a police found a really strong spray that can kill them. The big bugs died but there appears another bug! As this bug was so strong to the spray, the spray doesn't work to it. The bugs, then, started to bite many people in the libaray. Many people died because of it, and suddenly, there was just a bug who alive at last. Fortunately, this all story was a girl's dream.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Writing class - skill post 1

<Writing class - skill post 1>

You might have seen your friends or neighbors going English camp or abroad to learn and improve the English skills where they can meet various of people with different cultures. You might have felt that not only their English skills have developed but also the socialization has improved much better than before as they were used to be trained to follow the rule that just speak English or to communicate with people in there. You know, that there are a lot of programs that can upbuild the English abilities and they are absolutely helpful for students. Although both of them are effective, the qualities and effectiveness will be slightly different and of course, they have disadvantages for each.
At first glance, all of these programs are likely to be very educational and beneficial. They are both several weeks camp. Each gives the chance to experience something new like leaving the home for some weeks and learning the English from the new teachers who has certain certificates. They have both many activities to do that students can enjoy even though the types of activities are pretty different.
What I consider for the first time to choose what camp to go is the option of choosing the subjects. Compare to Camp Big Apple and Head Start Splash, I think the Ranch West Camp is the best as it respects our option to choose the subjects. While the Camp Big Apple just focus on the vocabulary and math skills with the goal of preparing them for important English language tests and the Head Start Splash make students study a condensed version, Ranch West Camp encourage students to choose the subjects that they want. Although students can get a lot of knowledge of words and math in Camp Big Apple, we can't learn the subjects variously. In contrast, we can learn independence by selecting and listening the subjects we want in Ranch West Camp.

Another significant thing for choosing the camp is the qualities and effectiveness of camp's organization. To compare these three camps, the teachers in there are all expert teacher. The Camp Big Apple seems really fantastic because in the one hand, it is intensive Academic English camp and all of the professors have at least a Masters degree from an American university. However, on the other hand, students will not speak English much as the professors are Korean. Also, although, the professors got at least a Masters degree in American university, we do not know what they are expert in and not all American university is good. In comparison, the Ranch West Camp is started in rural Canada so that students can learn English best when they are doing something interesting even though it is located in overseas. Additionally, the recent graduates teachers do not have experience or less experiences of teaching, though, students can learn the subjects from the native speakers who are expert in speaking English. Students will also stay in a home-stay situation during the camp where they can improve their communication skills and English ability.

Third thing I consider for this camp is the location and fun activities. These camps have each different activities and among them, Ranch West Camp's activities are the best. While Head Start Splash are located in unknown place, which means it is sligtly dangerous, Ranch West camp is placed in Canada, where we know well and can learn the new cultures. Furthermore, there are fun and natural activities such as river rafting, hiking, canoeing in Ranch West Camp, but, in contrast there are some activities like tours of the city, trips to local museums in the Camp Big Apple. If we stay for a while with nature, so, I mean that if we go the Ranch West Camp, it will be more helpful to students to concentrate on study and they will be better at study, of course.

To summarize, I strongly think that Ranch West Camp will be the best choice to you among Camp Big Apple, Ranch West Camp, and Head Start Splash if I consider those factors I mentioned above. Being with nature, fun activities, qualities and effectiveness of camp will be very good option to choose what camp to go.